Wanda Boniszewska
Pričiūnai, Rinkai, Buivydžių seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
Stigmatic, Catholic nun, Christian mystic; she was born in 1907, in Naujoji Akmenė near Novogrudok. In 1925, Wanda Boniszewska was admitted in to the Angels Sisters Congregation in Vilnius. After giving her internal vows in 1933, she lived in a monastery in Pričiūnai. On the Maundy Thursday of the same year, stigmas appeared on sister Wanda. She most often experienced this phenomenon on Thursdays and Fridays after dinner, especially, during the Great holiday. After being accused of harboring a Vatican spy, Sister Wanda was banished for 10 years to Siberia. She died in 2003, in Konstancin, Poland.