History of Nemėžis
Nemėžis, Nemėžio seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
Nemėžis was known since the times of Vytautas the Great; in the 15th century he was the one who settled the Tartars here. Until the end of 16th century, the castle of Vytautas the Great stood in Nemėžis. In 1797, a band of rebels led by Jakub Jasiński established itself in Nemėžis. In 1840-1850, Benedykt Tyszkiewicz built a classicism manor. Nemėžis was one of the favored meeting places of Vilnius University’s philomat students – Adam Bernard Mickiewicz, Tomasz Zan and Onufry Pietraszkiewicz.