Hillfort of Karmazinai
Karmazinai, Dūkštų seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, 14232, Lithuania
Compared to other hillforts, hillfort of Karmazinai is small, which is why, it is thought that it was not continuously settled, but used as a hiding place. The archaeologists think that since the 6th century, the hillfort lost its defensive function and became a holy place – sacred mountain. One hundred years old oaks grew on the mountain. Stories remain about a pagan sanctuary that was here once upon a time and about gold buried therein. The name of Karmazinai area is derived from Karmazinai noblemen, who lived in this area. Karmazinai noblemen from other noblemen distinguished themselves with dark red color – “karmazyn”.