Day of St Andrei
Karvys, Maišiagalos seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, 14200, Lithuania
On 30 November, Day of St Andrei is commemorated. On this day, boys and girls hope to predict their fortune. Divination is made by using candles, leaves and other tools. On the eve of St Andrei Day, the girls wanted to divine themselves a future husband. They wrote the names of men on the leaves and put them under the pillow; after waking up in the morning, they took out one leaf with the name of the future husband. Another popular divination method: to put a rosary under a plate, it symbolizes monastery, ring symbolizes wedding, doll – future motherhood and myrtle stick – old maidenhood. The girl had to pick one of these items, which divined the future.