Priest Prelate Józef Obrembski Museum
Maišiagala, Maišiagalos seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
The museum attest to the life of priest prelate Józef Obrembski, also archives and documents artifacts from harsh periods that befell the Church in the 20th century. The museum established itself in the presbytery – in the home of priest prelate where he lived for 61 years. The museum opened its doors in 2013, 2 years after the death of the priest. Education activity for children and youth is conducted in the museum. On 19 March of each year, the day of Priest Prelate Józef Obrembski Museum is commemorated – the name-day of priest Józef; each visitor is treated with fresh dough nuts, the beloved delicacy of the priest. Each year, a pilgrimage from Turgeliai to Maišiagala happens “The Path of Priest Prelate Józef Obrembski”.