Polish folk songs and dance ensemble “Ojcowizna”
Nemenčinė, Nemenčinės miesto seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
The ensemble “Ojcowizna” was founded in the Spring of 2017; it is comprised from a choir, dance group and a cappella. The main repertoire of the ensemble is the songs of Vilnius region, patriotic and religious songs. In its repertoire, “Ojcowizna” has a performance “An Old Album Tells A Lot” (“Stary album mówi wiele”), which tells about the traditions of Vilnius region and the lot of persons living there. Most of the ensemble’s performers are the former members of the ensemble “Wileńszczyzna”. Their motto – “God, Honor and Homeland”.