Hillfort of Maišiagala / Bona Castle
Maišiagala, Maišiagalos seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
The history of the hillfort reaches the first millennium after Christ. In order to strengthen the defense, around the hillfort a ditch was dug, over which a mound was poured. By the start of the second millennium, a wooden castle was constructed in the hillfort, which was numerous times burned down, but always restored. After the Crusaders in 15th century stormed the castle and burned it down, it was never rebuilt again. Lined ceramic, various metal articles, tools and jewelry were found during archaeological researches of the hillfort, as well as, the fragments of the burned wooden buildings and carcasses of animals. The hillfort is called Bona Castle, because Zygmunt I Stary gifted Maišiagala to Bona Sforza.