From the olden days, people upfront readied for the most important festivities of the year; in Autumn, they prepared for Winter, fermented cabbages, dried mushrooms, apples and made cheese from them. While awaiting Spring holidays, they smoked or dried meats, prepared horseradish. During Summer, they made various jams and made a drink from cumin. Recipes: Fermented cabbages: cabbages, carrots, a couple of handfuls of cumin, salt and sugar. Cabbages and carrots need to be grated and mixed by rubbing. Salt, sugar and cumin must be poured in to the mix and again mixed while rubbing. Previously, it was believed that for the cabbages to be delicious, people must wait for wane. It is best to put the cabbage mix in to a wooden tub and mush it well. In the olden days, a special wooden stick was used. The cabbages must be covered with a plate and a rock must be put on it. They must be kept at a room temperature for a week; after a week, take them to a cooler place and ferment them for another 1-2 weeks. Homemade horseradish: roots of horseradish, beetroots, salt, vinegar, sugar and water. Horseradish roots and beetroots must be grated through beetroot grater. In order to make marinade, you will need: pour salt, sugar and vinegar in to boiled and cooled off water; it must taste sweet-and-sour. The marinade must be poured on to the horseradish and properly mixed, then it must be put in to jars and kept in the fridge. Homemade horseradish is suitable for seasoning meat dishes. Cumin drink or cumin kvass: 5 l of water, 2 handfuls of cumin, 1 kg of sugar, half a package of yeast, 1 lemon and a handful of raisins. The cumin must be boiled over with boiling water and left for 30 min. They must be cooled off and filtered; sugar, crumbled yeast must be poured in, as well as the cut lemon and raisins. Leave for 12 hours.