Holy Jesus Heart Catholic Church of Paberžė
Paberžės Švč. Jėzaus Širdies katalikų bažnyčia Paberžė, Paberžės seniūnija, Vilniaus rajono savivaldybė, Vilnius County, Lithuania
It is thought that the first church in Paberžė was constructed in 15th century. In 1507, King Zygmunt I Stary granted the privilege to Paberžė church to establish an inn. From 1650 to 1830, Augustine Monastery served in Paberžė. In 1862, a new church was built in Paberžė, which in 1866 was turned in to a temple and in 1887 burned down on mysterious circumstances. The modern church was built in accordance to 1932 project and is neo gothic made from red bricks.