Weddings in Vilnius region lasted for a couple of days; first, celebrations were had at the bride’s village, later-on, the festivities went on to the groom’s village. The bride took the dowry to her new home. The dowry was comprised of hand-made towels and tablecloths. After arriving to her husband’s home, the bride put the towels where she would begin administering the house: on the bed, well, tub of bread or furnace. Traditionally, the bride had myrtle garland. A couple of matchmakers and marshals accompanied the newlyweds. From the olden days, matchmakers and marshals exchanged couples. Not only matchmakers and marshals accompanied the newlyweds, but also 12 pairs of bridesmaids and groomsmen. The newlyweds were greeted by dressed up wedding guests; near the table, dressed up people sat, from whom the newlyweds had to buy-out the table. On the second wedding day, the matron treated everyone to breakfast.